Friday, October 17, 2008


Every notice how much we take trust for granted? I boldly sit in a chair 99% of the time without considering whether or not it will hold me. I trust that my car will crank when I get in, and that the food I eat won't kill me.

HOWEVER . . . . There are other times when trust is SO HARD to muster. My hair is one of those times. What is it with women and our hair?

For me, it's been bad experiences. Back in college, I let someone give me a "body wave." Because I have naturally curly hair, I looked like a poodle for a year. One stylist gave me an "edgy" cut that was asymmetric. I looked like an unravelling beach ball or a Chia pet. My face is too round for a really short haircut.

I want the cut to be flattering, and the color to be right. Yet, because I'm poor (seminary, you know) and cheap, I've settled for "not-so-bad-do-it-yourself" color. Problem is that I've reached the age where I'm having some "graying" issues. So, I stepped out and let someone do it for me. Someone I'd never met before, no less. Granted, he came recommended. But still! That's HARD . . . to just say, here's what I'd like, fix it.

But fix it I did. I got the works: cut and color. You see the results on my profile picture. I'm very pleased! [For those in the Gadsden area, I highly recommend Glean (pronounced Glen) at The Moxie Salon.]

Ask me later whether Joseph likes the color -- he's very much a "blonde" man. We're still in the blonde family, but much darker.

Sometimes trust works out alright. ;-)


Suzanne said...

Wow Tams, I love it! Between you and my dd, I just may let someone touch mine! LOL

Jayne said...

Beautiful! Love it :)

Eric Wright said...

Ha My friend runs the moxie and Glean cuts my hair too.

Tams said...

Eric! That's incredible. I went there because my friend Theresa goes there. Small world. ;-)