Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Vroom! Vroom!

One of the things that's been keeping us so busy around here is a new car. Joseph has picked up a little Mazda Miata. Our older son, Andrew, and he are fixing it up. The plan is for Andrew to learn to drive on it, since it's not an automatic. If they get an offer on it that's more than they paid for it, they might sell it, they say. We'll see.

Meanwhile, Joseph is driving it back and forth to work. Because it gets better gas mileage. Yep, that's why. ;-) He loves his little convertible.

Me? Well, I detest convertibles. The reason is because I have hair issues. Wind + My Hair = DISASTER. When I get out of the car, I look like a giant forsythia bush. Don't know what that looks like? Let me help. Here:

BEAUTIFUL as a bush in your yard
BAD as a hairstyle on your head
But they're enjoying the car. So who am I to complain. It's not like some of MY hobbies haven't cost MORE. But shhhh! Don't tell him.


Suzanne said...

LOL! You're killing me here! A forsythia bush! ROFLOLOL Nice wheels though. I'm SURE it gets excellent gas mileage. ;-)

Jayne said...

What a fun little car! I hear you about the hair! ::faint::

Karen said...

Tams, I can just imagine that bush on your head! I've been blessed with fine, thin hair, so I have no idea what a bush on my head look like! :)