Before I attempt to discuss my thoughts on the stories of early Genesis, I must address the issue of Creationism vs. Evolution. There are actually four categories, in my opinion:
1. Creationists
2. Evolutionists
3. Secular scientists who have some doubts about evolution
4. Christians who believe some aspects of modern scientific dating and evolutionary theory
While you would think that members of categories 1 and 4, and those in 2 and 3, would have much in common, but that is NOT the case. To most evolutionists, everyone else is an idiot, without reason. To many creationists, any consideration of modern science other than creation theory is blasphemy, and you will go to hell. The former opinion doesn’t surprise me, and but the latter makes me ANGRY.
Creationists act as though acceptance of a literal six 24hour period creation and young earth timeline (6,000 – 10,000 years) is a litmus test for Christianity. I could not disagree more strenuously. Here the litmus test: For God so love the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will have eternal life (John 3:16), for whoever confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and believes in his heart that God has raised him from the dead will be saved, for with the mouth one confesses and is justified, and with the heart belief is made salvation (Romans 10:9-10). Jesus never laid out a doctrine to which to subscribe. He said, “Follow me.” Those who did learned as they went.
The Church has been wrong. At one point in time, we believed we (the Earth) were the center of the universe. We strenuously opposed all evidence to the contrary, persecuting Copernicus and Galileo for daring to believe differently. Even before we were a separate faith, we could be incorrect. The disciples once asked Jesus, “Who sinned, this man or his father, that he was born blind?” Do you remember what Jesus said?? “NEITHER .” (John 9:3)
Science is not the enemy of faith. Science is a wonderful field that helps us better understand the creation in which we have been placed, and over which we have been charged with care. In understanding the creation, we become further awed by the Creator! At this point, science and religion appears at conflict, but I believe that is because we now see through a glass dimly (1 Corinthians 13:12). God’s ways are higher than our ways, and his thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). In other words, we don’t understand everything! One day, we will . . . but not today.
Until then, we should not be afraid to examine the current science, as long as we do so with a clear understanding that reverence of God is the beginning of wisdom. Not the beginning of secular wisdom, or scientific wisdom, but ALL wisdom. In fact, there isn’t secular wisdom and sacred wisdom. Attempts to make such arbitrary divisions are why we have so much hypocrisy in The Church, as people attempt to divide what happens in church on Sunday from what happens in the rest of the world Monday through Saturday, to disconnect their beliefs from their actions. There is only Wisdom, and God is the source of all of it.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Creation or Evolution
8:26 PM
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