Saturday, May 5, 2007


Ebenezer had both a Sunrise service at 6am and a regular worship service at 10 with our Easter cantata. All in all, it was a wonderful celebration.
Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed!

We don't have many family portraits. I'm usually behind the camera, and this one isn't our best--we're all squinting in the sun. But I'll take what I can get!

I didn't get it without SEVERAL tries! Here's one. Don't they all look soooo excited?! NOT! And look! Even the dogs wanna "help."

I also managed to get two of just Joseph and I. I was not, however, successful is getting it without the puppy, Shadow. I think both she and Pepper were insulted that we didn't want them in our family picture. So there she is--scratching her fleas and everything.

Tired isn't always a bad thing though -- and this was one of those times. Everyone just headed to bed a little early.


Suzanne said...

LOL! Great photos Tams! Your commentary on the dogs

Jayne said...

You will treasure th photos in years to come. Glad you took the time to get them!!

Stacey said...

Love all the great pictures!! And I'm sorry, but I found the one of you running to get into the picture pretty funny. :)