Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Busy Schedules

Whew! Where did March go?! It has been a busy month. I thought I'd post part of my schedule to show you what I mean.
March 6-8 Joseph and I attended a Leadership Conference hosted by the Mountain Lakes and Cheaha districts of the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church.
March 8 When we got home, I took off to an Emmaus candlelight that night.
March 9 Daylight Savings Time started, so I lost an hour. Regular Sunday morning: two am services, in two locations, evening services.
March 10-13 I sponsored two precious ladies on a midweek Emmaus Walk. So I took them Monday night, attended my local cluster meeting Tuesday night, attended their candlelight Wednesday night, and picked them up Thursday night. During that time, I worked at the District Office on Monday, Tuesday was Skate Day, and Thursday I had the science class I teach from 9-12 and worked at the resource center 12-4.
March 15 My boys attended a flashlight egg hunt and party at a friend's house.
March 16-23: HOLY WEEK! Palm Sunday was beautiful. Egg hunt at Hebron that afternoon. [History class Tuesday afternoon 1-4 and SACC Wednesday 9-12] Wednesday night Holy Week contemplation service. Thursday night Maund Thursday service. Good Friday service. Saturday morning Egg Hunt at Ebenezer. Easter Sunday we had three services at the two churches, including the cantata at Ebenezer.
At this point, we got sick. Ryan was sick. I was sick. On Friday, we finally gave in and went to the doctor.
Wow! Then it was Hello April! NCD luncheons, a funeral, district leadership meeting, history classes, science classes, skating, Stress Fest dance, two full days of NCD Coach training in Birmingham, a 1st 90 Days class in Birmngham, took my pilgrims to their first Emmaus cluster meeting . . . . . Can you see why I haven't had time to post to my blog??
But I have lots to share as I have time.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

FAINT! So much for slowing down... Maybe next month? :-P